Monday, September 30, 2013

Nothing Less ...

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus' name

Christ alone
Weak made strong
In the Savior's love
Through the storm
He is Lord
Lord of all

When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil

When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh may I then in Him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone
Faultless stand before His throne

Jesus Christ has been, is and always will be my Cornerstone. It is beyond heartbreaking to see the lost, the hurting, the misled, the ignorant and the stubborn walk this earth without the shelter and guidance of the One they absolutely cannot live without no matter how hard they keep trying to do so. He is our Creator, and therefore, the One- the Only One- who can help us understand our purpose and live out this purpose.

Life can sometimes be unforgiving and it can be tiring to try and make sense of everything that is going on. Through such trying times one can hardly fault a person for wanting to give up. However, the soul that is secure in Jesus's love recognizes that even through the fiercest storms of life, He is the anchor that helps us stand our ground and once the storm passes He helps us push forward. We were not created to weather such storms on our own; it is simply not possible.

Are you in a place where you are trying to make it on your own strength? Your hope must be built on Jesus Christ and nothing less. The life God intended for you cannot be lived without His guidance and blessing. The world may tell you Jesus is an option. The truth is this : Jesus is not an option but a necessity. Jesus Christ is the source of life- in this life and the next. God says "Choose life that you may live!" (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Paul says "O how we are to be pitied more than all men if our hope only lay in this life!" (1 Cor 15:19)
Jesus is coming back! In Jude, we see that the One who called us is able to keep us "from falling and present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy." His plans are marvelous and they not only involve a life of purpose in this life but also in the one we will have when Jesus returns for us, His beloved.

Do not let the ground you're standing on be sinking sand. Choose Jesus -the solid ground, the Cornerstone.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Let us dream

Psalm 126:1 "When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream."

Don't you love this verse?

Think upon where we once were.

Think about the Lord; take a quiet moment to think about how He took us out of where we once were and set our feet upon solid ground. If the Lord hadn't rescued us, we wouldn't have been able to dream. We should be in awe of having this chance at a purpose-filled existence when we did nothing to deserve it.

The Lord has given us good things and blessed us with abundance of life. The joy we experience as a result of this relationship with our Creator is so surreal at times that we feel as if we are dreaming, don't we?

On the other hand, because we each have a life filled with purpose, we are able to dream big dreams. We are able to have big hopes for our futures. Why do we have these hopes? We can have these hopes because our Lord has promised us certain things for the future and we can count on Him delivering on His promises.

We can keep dreaming because we know we can count on the One who gave Himself up for us. We can safely dream because we know whom we have believed.  We can dream of a future free from the worries and fears this world brings. Can you?

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Pilgrim's Progress

I wrote this about a year and a half ago. Sometimes I go through my past writings to see how far God has brought me in my walk with Him and it was really a blessing to come across this entry today :

"Do you sometimes feel you don't belong? Today I feel so strongly this world isn't my home. I feel drained and weary. However, I find renewed strength when I sit at His feet. The pilgrim's progress is slow but before the throne of God above I find everything I will ever need for this continued journey. I smile when I remember that my life is hid with Christ in God.

On this journey I now also have a friend for life that God has sent me and for him I am so thankful. Next to Jesus, he is my closest friend. Everyday together we are learning what love truly means and each phase is even more beautiful in our walks with our Savior and God. We are learning what it means to wait on Him and hope in His promise for our lives together.

My Savior and my God, You are so good to me. I do not deserve anything I have and yet You continue to give me more. You give, and You give, and You give some more, because You love me.  You don't tire of loving because You are Love. Teach me to love like this Lord. I want to love like You do. I know it is not possible without Your power and Your grace working everyday in me. Help me to find strength in You. Let me not go one moment without the knowledge of Your presence and grace, for I can't go one more step without You walking alongside with me."

A year and a half later, I can say, my God still remains faithful. Praise Him for His faithfulness day after day!

Purpose Statement

Vision -
Here, I intend to glorify God and testify of His faithfulness through writing focused on life lessons learned as a pilgrim here on earth

Hope -
If you're a believer I hope that you will leave here encouraged and challenged in your walk with God

If you don't know what it means to know Jesus personally or have a committed relationship with Him as your Savior and Lord, I hope these writings will make you curious enough to want such a life that brings a peace only God can give